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Install in a demo/non-prod environment in AWS

This topic explains how to install a demo/non prod environment version of Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition in Amazon Web Services (AWS).


This topic assumes you have experience with AWS, such as setting up projects, namespaces, and clusters.

In addition to a Harness account, you need the following:

  • Access to an AWS project
  • Access to Helm charts
  • An elastic IP address

Before you install Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition, you must create a test cluster.

Create a test cluster

To create a test cluster using eksctl, do the following:

  1. Install and configure eksctl. For more information, go to Installation in the eksctl documentation.

  2. Save the following to a sample-demo-cluster.yaml file.

    authenticationMode: API_AND_CONFIG_MAP
    # Modify these to the region of interest
    # Might need to modify again if your eksctl command says an AZ is unavailable for EKS nodes
    - us-east-2a
    - us-east-2b
    - us-east-2c
    clusterLogging: {}
    vpcResourceControllerPolicy: true
    withOIDC: true
    kind: ClusterConfig
    ipFamily: IPv4
    - amiFamily: AmazonLinux2
    desiredCapacity: 7
    disableIMDSv1: true
    disablePodIMDS: false
    albIngress: true
    appMesh: false
    appMeshPreview: false
    autoScaler: false
    awsLoadBalancerController: true
    certManager: false
    cloudWatch: false
    ebs: true
    efs: false
    externalDNS: false
    fsx: false
    imageBuilder: false
    xRay: false
    instanceSelector: {}
    instanceType: t3.2xlarge
    labels: my-smp-test # Modify this label to match the kubernetes name standard-workers
    maxSize: 9
    minSize: 4
    name: standard-workers
    privateNetworking: false
    releaseVersion: ""
    withLocal: null
    withShared: null
    allow: false
    publicKeyPath: ""
    tags: standard-workers managed
    volumeIOPS: 3000
    volumeSize: 80
    volumeThroughput: 125
    volumeType: gp3
    # Modify these tags/metadata to your needs
    name: my-smp-test
    region: us-east-2
    # Change these tags to anything that would be helpful for your accounting
    cluster: smp-test
    owner: <your-name>
    purpose: sandbox-lab
    scope: smp-test
    # Currently this is the latest version of K8S supported by Harness SMP
    version: "1.27"
    enabled: false
    skipEndpointCreation: false
    autoAllocateIPv6: false
    privateAccess: false
    publicAccess: true
    manageSharedNodeSecurityGroupRules: true
    gateway: Single
  3. Modify any values as needed, such as the region and availability zones to which you want to deploy or any tagging that you want to apply.

  4. Currently, eksctl doesn't have a simple methodology to attach the Amazon EBS CSI driver necessary for create the required Persistent Volumes (PVs). Do the following to create the required PVs:

    1. Create an IAM role for your EKS cluster to utilize the EBS CSI Driver.

    2. Enable the EBS CSI Driver for your EKS cluster.

eksctl should automatically configure a Kubernetes config for your kubectl within your terminal session. If not, ensure you have a connection to your new cluster. For more information, go to Getting started with Amazon EKS – AWS Management Console and AWS CLI in the AWS EKS documentation.

Install Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition in AWS EKS

  1. Create a namespace for your deployment.

    kubectl create namespace harness
  2. Retrieve and extract the latest Harness Helm charts. The harness charts will look like harness-<version_number>.

  3. Open the harness/override-demo.yaml file in any editor, and modify the following values.

  4. Install the Helm chart.

     helm install harness harness/ -f override-demo.yaml -n harness

    AWS EKS has the ability to create and attach Elastic Load Balancers as a Kubernetes Resource. For more information, go to Application load balancing on Amazon EKS in the EKS documentation. For this tutorial, we'll take advantage of this functionality by creating our Load Balancer first manually.

  5. Save the reference loadbalancer.yaml file and apply it into your cluster.

    kubectl create -f loadbalancer.yaml -n harness
  6. Get the ELB URL.

    kubectl get service -n harness
  7. Make a note of the EXTERNAL-IP for the harness-ingress-controller. It should look like <string>

     NAME                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)                                      AGE
    default-backend ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 38s
    harness-ingress-controller LoadBalancer 10254:32709/TCP,80:32662/TCP,443:32419/TCP 38s
  8. Open the harness/override-demo.yaml file in any editor and modify the following values.

  9. Upgrade the Helm deployment, applying your new ELB as the load balancer to your configuration.

    helm upgrade harness harness/ -f override-demo.yaml -n harness

    kubectl destroy two pods to inherit the new configuration.

    • The ingress controller pod (for example, harness-ingress-controller-7f8bc86bb8-mrj94)
    • The gateway pod (for example, gateway-59c47c595d-4fvt2)
  10. Navigate to the sign up UI at https://<YOUR_ELB_ADDRESS>/auth/#/signup to create your admin user.

  11. Complete to the post-install next steps.

Post-install next steps

  1. Deploy the Harness modules you want to use. For more information, go to Deploy Harness modules.
  2. Add your Harness license. For more information, go to Add a Harness license.
  3. Configure SMTP to allow for additional user invitations. For more information, go to Add SMTP configuration.